Friday, January 11, 2013

L5 Personality/Interest Assessment

L5- Personality/Interest Assessment 

For this assignment, you will use the results from your Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) and Strong Interest Inventory (SII) assessments to determine some particular occupations and majors to research.

MBTI Report

1.         List your reported type. (Example: ESTJ) INFP

2.            According to your report, what are some of the characteristics that best describe your personality type? Communicate by talking, Like Variety and action, Like quiet for concentration Desire new challenges and possibilities, focus on improving things/like change, enjoy learning new skills, ask why things are as they are, good working with people, respond more to peoples feelings than their ideas, tend to be sympathetic, dislike conflict, concerned with how actions impact others, uses lists as reminders of things to do someday, adapt well to changing situations, may postpone unpleasant jobs, get a lot accomplished last minute before deadlines

3.              Refer to the list of the 50 most popular occupations page or go to Read the list of occupations and list the ones that you would like to explore below.
                        RN, Respiratory Therapist, Auditor, Psychologist-counselor, school counselor or,                         artist

4.              How do you believe the occupations you have chosen to explore fit with your personality preferences?  Explain how these occupations allow you to work in your preferred work environment. I was really surprised that this fit me quite closely. I feel that these occupations will be in the type of environment that I thrive in. However, I adapt quite easily so I can mix in most environments and still be ok.

SII Report     

1.         List your general occupational theme code. (Example EAS)
2.              List your 5 Basic Interests Scales and determine what type of interest they represent from the following: vocational, educational, leisure activities, personal interest. (Examples might include: religion-personal interest, teaching-leisure, healthcare-vocational)
a.     Healthcare Services (s)
b.     Medical Science (I)
c.     Counseling & Helping (s)
d.     Taxes & Accounting (C)
e.     Finance & Investing (C)

3.              Refer to pages 5, 6, and 7 of your SII profile.  Look at all the occupational scales you scored highest in (generally 40 or above), or that have a combination of your theme code.  List the occupations from the scales that you might like to research.
a.     RN, Respiratory Therapist, Instructional Coordinator

4.         For the following questions refer to Personal Style Scales on page 8 of your SII profile.

A.            Look at your “Work Style” rating.  What does your score suggest to you in relation to the occupations you listed above?
1.     I am in the middle leaning towards working with people and helping others. I fall in the mid range because I can work with people and not hate it because I am good at it and it is what needs to be done, however given a choice, I would prefer to work on my own.

B.            Look at your “Learning Environment” rating.  How do the educational requirements of the occupations you listed fit with your interest to pursue additional training?   I learn by doing and appreciate short-term training to achieve personal goals, again I am in the middle leaning more towards more practical learning environment and hands on work.

C.            Look at your “Leadership Style” rating.  How do these occupations fit your personal style? Yes and no, ultimately I will need to be shown or taught things that are only found on the job and need to be practical and some are things that need to be taught in the classroom…I think this fits right in. Again, I am in the mid range so I can lean either way.

D.            Look at your “Risk Taking/Adventure” rating.  Explain how the occupations do or do not match your risk taking style. I am smack right in the middle of the grid which is interesting as again I can go either way. Risk Taking is against my comfort zone.

5.          What college majors are suggested for your theme code that you find interesting?  CSA Conventional, Social and Artistic=1.Health Care Services (S),2.Medical Science (I), 3. Counseling & Helping (S), 4. Taxes & Accounting (C), 5. Finance & Investing (C).
6.               Of your top 10 occupations, list 3 you are most interested in and the educational
       preparation required for each.
1.     Registered Nurse (SI)
                                            i.     Nursing Program graduation and passing the NCLEX
2.     Respiratory Therapist (IRA)
                                            i.     RT Program graduation and passing the state boards
3.     Loan Officer (oddly I have done this for over 15 years already) or Counselor (not sure if this is a medical counselor or financial counselor. If it is medical I would like it, not too sure about doing mortgage again)
                                            i.     Loan Officer requires Mortgage classes taken and passing the Federal and State Mortgage Officer Exams
                                             ii.     Counselor…did not find an actual mortgage counselor position, but I would assume it is the same education as the LO position. Medical counselor requires graduation with a Bachelors Degree in that field, and depending on what kind of counselor you want to be (MAF allows practicing with a masters degree and passing state boards and other counselors have the same requirements but need to get a Phd in their field.

Occupations not listed on MBTI or SII

1.         List any occupations you are interested in that were not listed on your MBTI or SII reports. None really..

Meet with a Career Counselor at ACC

1.         Make an appointment to review your assessment reports with a counselor in the Academic Counseling Center. (LC402, 801-863-8425) ~Done Thursday January 10, 2013 met with Robert

List several comments or suggestions made by the counselor regarding selection of a career or major and/or your assessment results. Robert suggested that my concerns about struggling through the sciences is a valid issue and that I just need to decide and go for it. He thought that I would be really good in hospital administration or education as well.

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